Fernando Briano

fernando@picandocodigo.net / Edinburgh, Scotland
Github: @picandocodigo

Work Experience

November 2019 - Present
Elastic - Senior Software Engineer - Remote
I work in the Developer Tools team at Elastic. My job involves maintaining the official Ruby Elasticsearch Client and maintaining and building several other Ruby integrations. I led some initiatives and worked on other projects involving release, automation and delivery.
Site: elastic.co
Programming Languages: Ruby - Bash - PHP
June 2017 - October 2019
Cultivate Software Ltd | Deliveroo - Software Engineer - Edinburgh, Scotland
At Cultivate I worked for the Money Advice Service, some internal projects and the Deliveroo Payments Team. When Cultivate was acquired by Deliveroo in August 2019, I continued working for the Payments Team.
Site: cultivatehq.com
Programming Languages: Ruby - Elixir - JavaScript
June 2014 - Jun 2017
Freelance Software Developer
As a freelance developer, I worked contracting for several clients. Some of them are listed here:
Instituto Bios - WordPress Tutor - Montevideo, Uruguay
2014 - 2016
I gave WordPress lessons, both at the Institute and on-site for corporate teams.
Site: biosportal.com
DATA Uruguay - Software Developer - Montevideo, Uruguay
January 2015 - Present
Front-end and backend software development. I worked in web projects such as ATuServicio.uy, ¿Qué Sabés? and several more.
Site: datauy.org
Programming Languages: Ruby - Python - JavaScript
Crafted Code - Software Developer - Montevideo, Uruguay
June 2015 - December 2015
I worked as a Ruby on Rails software developer for remote clients. I built a Rails backend which consisted of an API and authentication for Android and iOS apps and video streaming.
Site: craftedcode.com (web archive)
Programming Languages: Ruby
Cultivate Software Ltd - Software Developer - Edinburgh, Scotland
March 2015 - April 2015
I worked on the Money Advice Service Ruby on Rails frontend app and other MAS Rails applications.
Site: cultivatehq.com
Programming Languages: Ruby - JavaScript
LivePress - Software Developer - Remote
August 2014 - November 2014
LivePress was a live blogging platform for WordPress. I maintained and developed new features for the LivePress WordPress plugin and the Ruby On Rails backend.
Site: livepress.com (web archive)
Programming Languages: Ruby - PHP - JavaScript
March 2012 - June 2014
Cubox SA | Neo Innovation, Inc. - Software Developer - Montevideo, Uruguay
I worked on several Ruby projects with Rails, Cuba, Sinatra, RSpec, Minitest, Capybara, SASS, Haml, gem development, HTML and CSS. Clients were in the United States, including AppDirect and ICANN. Cubox was acquired by Neo in September 2012.
July 2010 - February 2012
Globant - Software Developer - Montevideo, Uruguay
I worked as a Java Developer (Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Seam) and a few Ruby On Rails applications.
Programming Languages: Ruby - Java
CityGrid Media - Software Developer
August 2010 - September 2011
As a Globant employee, I worked remotely with the CityGrid team from Montevideo. The main project involved web development with Java technologies: Spring, SpringMVC and Hibernate. I worked on the server administration too which involved Apache Tomcat over CentOS.
I also built my first professional Ruby on Rails project in this job.
Programming Languages: Java - Ruby
December 2009 - July 2010
Tochos - Software Developer - Montevideo, Uruguay
I worked on a backend server written in Java EE 5 (JBoss 5, EJB 3, Hibernate), and the frontend was written in Adobe Flex 3 for a project which integrated XMPP and other technologies. I also had a role as Scrum Master during project management.
Programming Languages: Java - ActionScript - Adobe Flex
September 2008 - November 2009
Guerwin S.A. - Development Team Director, Software Developer - Maldonado, Uruguay
I was the first developer hired for a new startup. Apart from development, I was in charge of building and managing the development team and the initial infrastructure for the company. My first project acting as a Scrum Master and turning the process into Agile.
Programming Languages: Java - PHP
April 2008 - September 2008
CEI-CTC Maldonado - Professor at Programmer Analyst technical career - Maldonado, Uruguay
I taught Operative Systems with GNU/Linux on the first semester of the course and part of the Networks course for the second semester.
March 2007 - May 2008
ProNet - Programmer - Maldonado, Uruguay
I worked in several individual and group projects, mostly with .NET technology and SQL Server. Built desktop applications including a shared contact manager and the system for selling boarding passes in Laguna del Sauce International Airport.
Programming Languages: Visual Basic.Net - C#
March 2006 - November 2006
Visit-Uruguay - Web Developer - Punta del Este, Uruguay
Website maintenance, graphic design, HTML, JavaScript and SEO. I was in charge of the entire website, including adding new content, designing graphics for promotions and new pages, and managing the system.


2006 - 2008
Universidad ORT - CTC
Programmer Analyst
Maldonado, Uruguay
Completed all the courses in the 2 year technical career, pending final project.
Universidad de la República, Facultad de Ingeniería
Computer Engineering, University drop-out
Montevideo, Uruguay
Ingeniero Carlos Soderguit
Java Intensive Course
Maldonado, Uruguay
Java SE 5.0, Java EE 5.0, Introduction to JBoss Seam


References are available on request